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CASA: Menú con causa

In Peru 12. 9% children suffer from chronic malnutrition, there are 2. 8 million Peruvians who do not have enough food. . .


For a million smiles

Together let’s bring joy back to thousands of children across the country, giving them access to a virtual education. . .


United for education

Today, we want to donate 71 tablets so that all the students of I.E. El Porvenir de Cajamarca...


Liters of love

In our capital alone, about 1.5 million citizens living on the periphery of the city, do not enjoy access to drinking water and sewerage...


For a million smiles

Traveling through Peru, we saw that there is much to do. The road full of beautiful landscapes also left us a not so encouraging panorama as human beings, children without access to education, and entire families suffering from malnutrition, were pushes to focus our desire to generate change and build this UN.
Aquí estamos driving change from two perspectives: education and food. We launched our campaign “For One Million Smiles” so that together we can bring joy back to thousands of children across the country, giving them access to a virtual education and not be harmed by the current situation.
We will also provide highly healthy food rations to vulnerable populations to combat the socio-economic crisis left by the pandemic.
Ready to make a difference?
Behind each of our masks is the most important thing: A SMILE. By acquiring them you help us to change the reality facing our Peru. Your mask is your new smile: use it, donate and make change possible. We’re counting on you, for a million more smiles!


United for education

Each of us asked these questions at some point: How will children in rural areas of the country take classes? Will they miss a school year? Will education be paralyzed? The problem of one is the problem of all as a country, the concern is also solidarity, after all, we are one voice.
As we all know, 2020 was a year of many challenges, where students from all over Peru had to face a new normalcy. In the midst of the pandemic, we decided to make a trip to Cajamarca, our first stop was at the I.E. El Porvenir de Cajamarca, where we were received by the director and professor Guillermo Guevara, The first thing we saw was the abysmal difference between a capital school and one in the interior of the country, we studied the problem and we presented our virtual platform.
It filled us with much joy to be the solution that is needed and to put not only the shoulder, but also the heart to carry out education. Today, we want to donate 71 tablets so that all students can study their school year normally and we can make it possible with your help. Every donation is a door to a better future and seeing happy children learning is the best reward. Join and make the change!


CASA: Menú con causa

In Peru 12.9% of children suffer from chronic malnutrition, there are 2.8 million Peruvians who do not have enough food and during this pandemic the index intensified. Menu con causa, is a campaign that helps low-income people who do not have access to adequate food and nutritional value. Donating from S/. 4.50 you will be making the difference, so that through the company Mana Sumaq essential menus are provided to different families and to popular eaters in the district of Lima.

How do we do it?
1. Financial donations are received by the UN Aquí Estamos.
2. These will in turn be given to Mana Sumaq.
3. Mana Sumaq prepares the menu for the beneficiary communities together with nutritionists.
4. We will bring balanced food and/or superfoods to the beneficiary communities.


Liters of love

Peru is one of the 20 richest countries in the world in water, however, between 7 and 8 million Peruvians do not have access to this water resource. This is a reality that strikes and also burdens us with responsibility. In our capital city alone, about 1.5 million citizens living on the outskirts of the city do not have access to drinking water and sewerage. Faced with this scenario, we decided to create the campaign "Liters of Love", to donate to the soup kitchens, liters of water and face the water stress they face daily. It is in our hands to commit to change and form the Peru we want to see tomorrow. Join and make it possible!

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